Out of My Head

An impressive deep dive into a condition that impacts millions, especially women. What an important service this film does! Bravo!

Victoria Riskin, Film Writer and Producer, Past President of the Writers Guild of America

Breaking Down Barriers Film Festival, Moscow, Russia

Breaking Down Barriers Film Festival, Moscow, Russia

Friday, November 23, 2018 7:10 PM

Opening Night, Friday, November 23, 17:10
Sunday, November 25, 14:10
Almaz Cinema Almaz
Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Out of My Head has been invited to the IX International Breaking Down Barriers Film Festival, designed to draw public attention through cinema to the problems of people living with disabilities, and to show examples of advocacy, success, realized talents and opportunities. The film will be shown with Russian subtitles.


Out of My Head is available worldwide.

Buy/Rent Out of My Head